
Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Pattern: Babies by Amy Bradley
Material:  Own Choice

I haven't as yet, mentioned my sewing inspiration and that is Kate and her staff at Kates Sewing Center in Bundoora.  Lucky for me, I was able to get into a Patchwork Class called Grandma's Quilt back in February this year and this has seen me off and running with all my Patchwork inspirations.

The Grandma's Quilt class is only once a month and as it is August now,  most of the blocks are finished and waiting to be all sewn together.  This is my first attempt at not only applique work but also free motion quilting!!!!

As you can see, we opted to do a Quilt-As-You-Go for this project so we could do the free-motion without too much of a struggle on a large size quilt.  The pattern was from Amy Bradley Designs.

BABY IN PRAM - My favourite block - I did paisley free motion on the background.


BABY IN CAR - This one has what I call 'Lollipops' in the background because they reminded me of Stop Signs and I thought that was appropriate.


 BABY IN BOAT - The quilting on the background really stands out on the plain fabric.


 BABY IN PUSHER - This free motion was a variation on stippling with flowers thrown in.


 BABY IN WAGON - Loved the brickwork on the background, it really suited the fabric colours


 BABY IN SWING - Free motion on this one was a continuous spiral .

There is one more block to come and then I begin to assemble all the blocks into one fantastic looking cot quilt !! 

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Pattern:  Swirled Christmas Tree by Frivolous Necessity
Material:  Coloured scraps, White Homespun

I have allowed plenty of time this year to do my Christmas Project.  In fact, its all finished !!!

Simple appliqued swirls in red and green to form a tree shape and voila.... a decorative hanging.  A little bt of stippling around the background to give it shape and pop it on a hanger. 

Its a shame to only hang it out at Christmas time!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013


The up-coming arrival of our first grandchild was always going to be a big occasion and I purchased a printed baby cot panel with the intention of trying out the technique called Trapunto.

On the reverse side of the panel, I laid down some pieces of bamboo batting and then using my walking foot, sewed around the balloons, and each individual animal in the boat.  I then cut away any excess batting, which gave the balloons and animals a plump look.

Then I continued as for a normal quilt using batting and backing. I outlined stitched all the pictures and then stippled the main background of the quilt.  I also did horizontal stitching on the blue top rim of the boat and pebble free-motion around the name.

 I could have done heaps more free motion on this quilt but in the end, was more than happy with the result.