
Sunday, November 22, 2015


Christmas sewing is such a delight and I particularly love the Bucilla range of Christmas Stockings.

After I discovered Debbie from andsew4th and the fantastic Christmas Stockings she has made,  (she also does great YouTube lessons on them) I have been addicted.

I am even teaching a couple of classes at Kate's now for other ladies who like them!!

Here is my latest one just finished, now we are all waiting for the little girl to arrive (should be next few weeks - stay tuned)

With all the sequins, it takes me back to making dancing costumes for my daughter, many moons ago.

I love her little face,  she looks so sweet with those long eyelashes (just like mine haha)

She is surrounded by all sorts of lollies, there's gingerbread men, cupcakes, bonbons, cookies and of course candy canes.

Toe of Stocking

Heel of Stocking

There is just one thing that needs to be finished......her name needs to be embroidered onto a cupcake which will hang off the side, but we need to wait until she is born to find that out !!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


I can't believe its been nearly 2 months since my last blog.  I've still been stitching, but haven't taken any photos to blog about.

Back in October, I attending the FignBerry Soiree where I was lucky enough to meet Melissa Grant from One Day In May (my favorite designer).

One of the gift patterns was Melissa's Christmas Wreath.  Her designs are a little bit different, she often features a 3 dimensional effect and this one had holly leaves which gave that  look.

Rather than hang this little embroidery on a wall hanger, I thought I would do as Melissa did and get a lovely frame to display it in.

I know its a Christmas design, but its so nice, I think it can stay out all year round.  It looks so nice near my Paper Tole pictures, I can see it everytime I cook.