
Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Just wanted to pop a quick post out to say thanks to Lorna at Sew Fresh Quilts for thinking of the Lets Bee Social post.

I am a newbie when it comes to blogging and I was finding it hard to get people to check out my blog - then along came Lorna and viola..... People are stopping by to comment :)

I'm very happy although my husband is wondering what has overtaken me, staying up half the night checking my emails and replying,  he just doesn't understand haha

Anyway, thanks for stopping by and let me know if I'm doing alright at blogging and I promise to write back.....who knows where it will lead.

Another plus, I get to check out the wonderful blogs out there and even catch pictures of snow which we don't get over here, it's so beautiful 


  1. We got plenty of snow today in Northeastern US - New Jersey go hit with about a foot. I'm done with this now.. maybe I can ship it to you!! Found you through Let's Be Social

    1. Ha Ha Debra, maybe we could start a snowball fight across the globe. I guess it looks lovely but it must be freezing cold, at least you get to use your quilts.

  2. Lorna's the best! Am a big fan (UK) - blogging makes it a very small world. Welcome Dawn :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you Lauren, good to know you are looking at my blog from time to time.

  4. Your quick hello has made my day! So glad you are joining in the social party and having a great time, Dawn. Thanks for sharing all your beautiful work!


Thanks for visiting and I would love you to tell me what you thought....